Wednesday 24 July 2024

... and in conclusion ....

London - trip 4, week 4

Trafalgar Square

After a successful visit in Liverpool working on crystallography, Craig spent a day in London before returning to Canada. Fortunately, the worldwide CrowdStrike internet débâcle (look it up kids!) did not affect either the Avanti West train service nor Heathrow Airport, so no travel disruptions for him.

Winston's hats!

With only one afternoon for sightseeing, he chose to visit the Churchill War Rooms, basically the World War II British government bunkers. They have been recreated (in some cases, merely "rediscovered", as they were found exactly as they were left the day after VJ-Day), and a route devised to take you through the highlights such as the Cabinet Room, the Map Room, and Winston's and Clemmie's (separate) bedrooms. There is also a Churchill museum near the beginning of the tour with some fun artifacts and details on everything from his military record to a video presentation on the pets he had through his life.

After a dinner of Guinness and a meat pie it was to bed and to the airport for his flight back to Canada the next morning.



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