The boys have repeatedly informed us that they are not hikers. In an attempt to subversively acclimatize them, Craig has been taking them a little way along the Puyloubier trailhead up Montagne Sainte-Victoire "just to see where it goes". Twice over the last week, they have taken it into their heads that they can go just a little higher, now understanding that the view is worth the effort. So in the last week, Craig, David, and Andrew have made what could be considered to be two real (if short) hikes.

The first real distance the boys travelled was along an unlabelled part of the trail (although with a look-off a little way along). It was a little challenging for the boys, especially for Andrew with his shorter legs. We didn't quite make it to the top of the first plateau (about halfway up), but did get some nice views looking back down on the village. For the second hike, we followed the GR9 trail. It had rained most of the day, so we didn't get started until 4pm (sunset is 5:30), but we managed to make it to the top of the plateau. Craig thought that following the trail would be easier than the random ramblings of the first hike, but that assumption was quickly dashed as there were a couple of scrambles along the official trail. Nonetheless, the boys persevered (and, of course, crawling over rocks is one of the funnest things a boy can do!) and we made it to the top of the plateau. We even made it back down before the sun set.
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