Sunday, 29 June 2014

Canada wrap-up business

Thunder Bay, ON (Day -12)
We're wrapping up our last few things in Thunder Bay: Yolanda has finished her job, Craig is getting his data transferred from his lab books to his laptop, and baseball (Andrew) and soccer (David) are done.  We have three last events in Thunder Bay:

 - David's birthday party (at Fort William Historical Park); "historical" in the Canadian sense that the site was first fortified in 1717 (as opposed to Marseille being founded in ~600 BC)

David and friends pumping water with one of the farmers: from left John, Jakob, Joseph, David, Nikolas, and the farmer

- Tim and Shawna's wedding; Shawna did a couple of research projects with me and Yolanda and I both taught Tim as well - good to see some of the old chemistry gang (and also Jesse, who's STILL at Lakehead)
Lakehead chemistry at the wedding: Christian Carello, Jesse Walker, Tim Larocque (the groom), Shawna Parent (the bride.... obviously), Nick Andreychuk, Ian Morgan (the best man) and Craig.  Shawna, Nick, and Ian all did honours projects with Craig.  (Yes, this picture is going on the fridge!)

  - the last event will be Melissa Ethridge, headlining the opening night of the TBay Blues Fest next Friday

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